Scrapping Copper? Look In These 5 Places


Have you decided to scrap metal for additional income? If so, know that one of the most valuable materials that you can find for scrap material is copper. It helps to know where to look for it so that you do not leave any behind. 

Air Conditioners 

If you ever stumble across an air conditioner, know that they are filled with copper pipes that can be removed from the appliance. Just make sure that you properly dispose of the refrigerant within the copper pipes so that it does not go directly into the environment, since there is a proper way to dispose of the material. 


Old wires can be found everywhere, but the key to having them be worth anything is to remove the shielding around the wire to reveal the bare copper. While you may be starting out without the right tools and stripping wires with a knife, it is worth investing in a wire stripping machine that will do all the work for you. The equipment will practically pay for itself over time.

Old Televisions

Those old standard-definition TVs may not be worth much to the average person, but they are worth a lot to scrappers. This is especially true of the older CRT televisions, which have a lot of copper cables within them. A larger television is going to have more copper than a smaller television, so it's worth taking the big screen with you so you can properly disassemble it later.


There is quite a bit of copper within an old microwave, and it doesn't take that much work to get it out. The key is to get the transformer out of the appliance so that you can remove all of the copper windings on it. You'll have a good chunk of bare copper in the end that can be quite valuable, along with other metal materials from the microwave.


While the dryer is going to have a motor within it that has some copper, the other component not to ignore is the heavy-duty copper power cord that is attached to it. Putting in the work to strip the cord to get down to the bare bright copper is going to be quite easy to do with the right tools, as mentioned earlier. The same can also be said of any heavy-duty appliance which has a similar power cord. 

To find out more, contact a copper recycling service. 


12 October 2022

Talking About Recycling

Hi everyone, my name is Makana. Welcome to my site about recycling. I am excited to talk to you about all of the benefits of recycling. Throwing garbage in the trash bin only serves to fill up landfills, which has a negative impact on the planet. With recycling, you can rest assured that the majority of the waste goes toward making new packaging and products. The recycled materials live on and can even be processed another time. I will explore recycling rules and techniques in detail on this site. Please feel free to come back all of the time to learn new things.